Belgian Blond Ale
BJCP 2021 – 25A



Amount Fermentable %
13.00 pounds Pilsen Dingemans 50%
9.00 pounds English Pale Ale Root Shoot Malting 34.6%
2.00 pounds Sugar, Table (Sucrose) 7.7%
1.00 pounds Acidulated Weyermann 3.8%
0.50 pounds Aromatic Malt Dingemans 1.9%
0.50 pounds Wheat Malt, Pale Weyermann 1.9%
26.00 pounds Total Fermentable Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time Use Form AA
1.50 ouncesStyrian Goldings90 minutesFirst WortPellet3.4%
1.50 ouncesMagnum60 minutesBoilPellet12.3%
3.00 ouncesSaaz15 minutesBoilPellet2.4%
2.00 ouncesSaaz20 minutesWhirlpool @ 175°FPellet2.4%
8.00 ounces Total Hop Weight


Amount Non-Fermentable Type Use Time
1.00 gCalcium Chloride (CaCl2)Water AgentMash0 minutes
0.50 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4)Water AgentMash0 minutes
0.50 gGypsum (CaSO4)Water AgentMash0 minutes
5.00 mlLactic AcidWater AgentMash0 minutes
0.50 gCalcium Chloride (CaCl2)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
0.50 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
0.50 gGypsum (CaSO4)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
3.00 mlLactic AcidWater AgentSparge0 minutes


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Form
Belgian Abbey Style AleWyeast Labs1214Liquid

Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment

Mash Profile Single Infusion - High Fermentability

Mash Steps

# Name Time Temp.
1TemperatureTemperature60 minutes150° F

Fermentation and Aging

12 days @ 66° F
2 days @ 34° F
24 days @ 34° F

General Info

Remove the dextrose for a Trappist Single.