Experimental Beer
BJCP 2021 – 34C
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
84.6% Apparent
69.2% Real
Amount |
Fermentable |
% of Grist |
32.00 pounds |
Pilsen Dingemans |
97% |
1.00 pounds |
Acidulated Weyermann |
3% |
33.00 pounds
| Total Fermentable Weight
| 100%
Amount |
Hop |
Time |
Use |
Form |
AA |
0.50 ounces | Ella (aka Stella) | 90 minutes | First Wort | Pellet | 17.6% |
0.50 ounces | Ella (aka Stella) | 60 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 17.6% |
1.00 ounces | Ella (aka Stella) | 20 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 17.6% |
1.00 ounces | Ella (aka Stella) | 10 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 17.6% |
2.00 ounces | Ella (aka Stella) | 20 minutes | Whirlpool @ 175°F | Pellet | 17.6% |
5.00 ounces |
Total Hop Weight |
Amount |
Non-Fermentable |
Type |
Use |
Time |
3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
3.00 g | Epsom Salt (MgSO4) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
6.50 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
10.00 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
1.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
1.00 g | Epsom Salt (MgSO4) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
1.50 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
2.00 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
Name |
Lab/Manufacturer |
Product ID |
Form |
Saflager Lager | Fermentis | W-34/70 | Dry |
Bavarian Lager | Mangrove Jack's | M76 | Dry |
Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
Boil Volume:
12.85 gallons
Evaporation Rate:
5.83% per hour
Trub Chiller Loss:
0.26 gallons
Mash Profile Decoction, Single - Well Modified Malts - Batch Sparge
Mash Steps
# |
Name |
Type |
Time |
Temp. |
1 | Low Sach Rest | Infusion | 35 minutes | 132° F |
2 | Decotion | Decoction | 45 minutes | 154° F |
Fermentation and Aging
5 days @ 50° F
3 days @ 62° F
2 days @ 34° F
General Info
Imperial SMaSH Pilsner brewed with Chris Egolf for RHBC's 2024 Buddy Brew.
About the hops… previously named Stella, Ella is the little sister of the Australian superstar Galaxy. Ella and Galaxy share the same mother, but Ella's father is a variety from Spalt, Germany. This parentage gives Ella a pleasant floral aroma that is backed by soft spice. These qualities work best in lagers and pilsners, but Ella can be incorporated into Pale Ales and IPA during dry-hopping. This will preserve some of the lighter oils that are more fruity and tropical like in Galaxy.