Czech Premium Pale Lager
BJCP 2021 – 03B
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
75.2% Apparent
61.7% Real
Amount |
Hop |
Time |
Use |
Form |
AA |
1.50 ounces | Saaz | 90 minutes | First Wort | Pellet | 4.9% |
1.35 ounces | Magnum | 60 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 12.1% |
1.50 ounces | Saaz | 25 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 4.9% |
1.50 ounces | Saaz | 10 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 4.9% |
2.00 ounces | Saaz | 20 minutes | Whirlpool @ 175°F | Pellet | 4.9% |
7.85 ounces |
Total Hop Weight |
Amount |
Non-Fermentable |
Type |
Use |
Time |
6.00 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
3.26 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
Name |
Lab/Manufacturer |
Product ID |
Form |
Urkel | Imperial Yeast | L28 | Liquid |
Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
Boil Volume:
12.63 gallons
Evaporation Rate:
4.75% per hour
Trub Chiller Loss:
0.26 gallons
Mash Profile Decoction, Single - Undermodified Malts - Batch Sparge
Mash Steps
# |
Name |
Type |
Time |
Temp. |
1 | Protein Rest | Temperature | 25 minutes | 122° F |
2 | Saccharification | Decoction | 45 minutes | 156° F |
Fermentation and Aging
8 days @ 50° F
2 days @ 62° F
3 days @ 34° F
General Info
Single decoction volume (from 122 to 156) = 24-26 quarts Spund when at 1 P from target gravity (~ .002 SG).