BJCP 2021 – 25B



Amount Fermentable %
16.00 pounds Pilsen Dingemans 64.6%
2.00 pounds Corn Sugar (Dextrose) 8.1%
2.00 pounds Vienna Malt Weyermann 8.1%
2.00 pounds Wheat Malt, Pale Weyermann 8.1%
1.00 pounds Acidulated Weyermann 4%
1.00 pounds Wheat Soft Red, Flaked Briess 4%
0.75 pounds Caramunich I Weyermann 3%
24.75 pounds Total Fermentable Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time Use Form AA
1.00 ouncesMagnum60 minutesBoilPellet12.3%
1.50 ouncesSaaz30 minutesBoilPellet3.5%
1.50 ouncesStyrian Goldings30 minutesBoilPellet3.5%
1.50 ouncesSaaz10 minutesBoilPellet3.5%
1.50 ouncesStyrian Goldings10 minutesBoilPellet3.5%
1.00 ouncesSaaz20 minutesAromaPellet3.5%
1.00 ouncesStyrian Goldings20 minutesAromaPellet3.5%
9.00 ounces Total Hop Weight


Amount Non-Fermentable Type Use Time
0.50 gBaking Soda (NaHCO3)Water AgentMash0 minutes
1.50 gCalcium Chloride (CaCl2)Water AgentMash0 minutes
0.50 gCanning Salt (NaCl)Water AgentMash0 minutes
4.00 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4)Water AgentMash0 minutes
4.00 gGypsum (CaSO4)Water AgentMash0 minutes
4.00 mlLactic AcidWater AgentMash0 minutes
0.50 gBaking Soda (NaHCO3)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
1.00 gCalcium Chloride (CaCl2)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
0.50 gCanning Salt (NaCl)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
3.00 gEpsom Salt (MgSO4)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
3.00 gGypsum (CaSO4)Water AgentSparge0 minutes
3.00 mlLactic AcidWater AgentSparge0 minutes


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Form
Belgian Saison I AleWhite LabsWLP565Liquid
Belgian SaisonWyeast Labs3724Liquid

Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment

Mash Profile Single Infusion - Max Fermentability

Mash Steps

# Name Time Temp.
1TemperatureTemperature75 minutes145° F

Fermentation and Aging

2 days @ 64° F
5 days @ 82° F
5 days @ 34° F
14 days @ 40° F

General Info

Use foil on the carboy instead of an airlock or blowoff. These yeast strains are highly sensitive to backpressure. This will avoid the dreaded "stall."