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Czech Premimum Pale Lager
BJCP 2015 – 03B
Batch Size:
10.00 gallons
79% Apparent
64.5% Real
Amount |
Fermentable |
% of Grist |
20.50 pounds |
Pilsen (Dingemans) |
90.1% |
1.62 pounds |
Carafoam (Weyermann) |
7.1% |
0.62 pounds |
Acidulated (Weyermann) |
2.7% |
22.74 pounds
| Total Fermentable Weight
| 100%
Amount |
Hop |
Time |
Use |
Form |
AA |
2.00 ounces | Saaz | 90 minutes | First Wort | Pellets | 3.4% |
0.50 ounces | Magnum | 75 minutes | Boil | Pellets | 10.8% |
3.00 ounces | Saaz | 25 minutes | Boil | Pellets | 3.4% |
2.00 ounces | Saaz | 10 minutes | Boil | Pellets | 3.4% |
2.00 ounces | Saaz | 0 minutes | Aroma | Pellets | 3.4% |
9.50 ounces |
Total Hop Weight |
Name |
Lab/Manufacturer |
Product ID |
Form |
Urkel | Imperial Yeast | L28 | Liquid |
Equipment Profile 15 Gallon/57 Liter Brew Pot (15) and 10 Gallon/38 Liter Cooler Mash Tun
Batch Size:
10.00 gallons
Boil Volume:
12.55 gallons
Evaporation Rate:
9.00% per hour
Mash Tun Volume:
10.00 gallons
Mash Tun Weight:
9.00 pounds
Mash Tun Specific Heat:
0.30 cal/gram per °C
Top Up Water:
0.00 gallons
Trub Chiller Loss:
1.00 gallons
Mash Profile Single Decoction
Mash Steps
# |
Name |
Type |
Time |
Temp. |
1 | Protein Rest | Infusion | 35 minutes | 122° F |
2 | Saccharification | Decoction | 45 minutes | 155° F |
3 | Mash Out | Infusion | 10 minutes | 168° F |
Fermentation and Aging
14 days @ 52° F
3 days @ 62° F