American Amber Ale
BJCP 2008 – 10B



Amount Fermentable %
16.75 pounds American Pale Malt (2-Row) 62%
1.75 pounds German Dark Munich Malt 6.5%
2.30 pounds Crystal Malt 40L 8.5%
1.00 pounds Crystal Malt 120L 3.7%
0.75 pounds American Victory Malt 2.8%
0.45 pounds British Pale Chocolate Thomas Fawcett and Sons 1.7%
4.00 pounds American Wheat Malt 14.8%
27.00 pounds Total Fermentable Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time Use Form AA
2.10 ouncesMagnum60 minutesBoilPellets13.5%
1.50 ouncesAmarillo10 minutesBoilLeaf8.2%
2.00 ouncesCentennial10 minutesBoilPellets9.0%
1.50 ouncesAmarillo0 minutesDry HopLeaf8.2%
2.00 ouncesCentennial0 minutesDry HopPellets9.0%
9.10 ounces Total Hop Weight


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Form
California AleWhite LabsWLP001Liquid

Equipment Profile Converted Keg, 10 Gallon/38 Liter Cooler Mash Tun

Converted 15.5 gallon/59 liter keg boil kettle for full boil with a 10 gallon/38 liter cooler as a mash/lauter tun.

Mash Profile California Ale

Very clean flavor, balance and stability. Accentuates hop flavorVersitile - can be used to make any style ale.

Fermentation and Aging

14 days @ 67° F
21 days @ 67° F
7 days @ 50° F

General Info

Based upon West Coast Blaster from Brewing Classic Styles. I made it my own a bit with the addition of wheat malt and use of Magnum and Amarillo hops.


  • Single infusion mash at 153°F
  • Ferment at 67°F until finished.
  • Carbonate to 2.3 volumes