Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale)
BJCP 2008 – 08C



Amount Fermentable %
8.00 pounds British Maris Otter Pale Malt 80%
1.00 pounds Belgian Caravienne Malt 10%
0.50 pounds Crystal Malt 40L 5%
0.25 pounds Belgian Aromatic Malt 2.5%
0.25 pounds Belgian Special B Malt 2.5%
10.00 pounds Total Fermentable Weight 100%


Amount Hop Time Use Form AA
1.70 ouncesKent Golding60 minutesBoilPellets4.0%
1.00 ouncesKent Golding20 minutesBoilPellets4.0%
1.30 ouncesKent Golding1 minutesBoilPellets4.0%
4.00 ounces Total Hop Weight


Amount Non-Fermentable Type Use Time
1 tsp.GypsumWater AgentBoil60 minutes


Name Lab/Manufacturer Product ID Form
London AleWhite LabsWLP013Liquid

Mash Profile Single Infusion Mash, Medium Bodied Beer

Mash Steps

# Name Time Temp.
1Mash InInfusion60 minutes154° F
2Mash OutInfusion10 minutes168° F

Fermentation and Aging

7 days @ 68° F
7 days @ 68° F
42 days @ 55° F

General Info

I had been wondering about this style, hoping to replicate a taste reminiscent of my trip to England a while back where I sampled some excellent house ales at various pubs around London.

This recipe is pretty much a complete overhaul. Starting from scratch...I just wasn’t satisfied with the results of the previous incarnations. This one includes some Belgian aromatic and Special B for aroma and buscuit tones, crystal for sweetness, and a backbone of Breiss Maris Otter.

Racked to primary and pitched yeast from a starter (August 31, 2007). Racked to secondary after eight days in primary (September 7, 2007). Racked to keg and took FG reading. Taste was slightly bitter with buscuit notes. A good two weeks of cool conditioning will do this one well followed by another three to four weeks of cold conditioning (September 18, 2007).


  • Single infusion mash at 154° with 3.5 gallons of water
  • Sparge with 4.25 gallons of 168° water
  • Bring to a boil
  • Total boil time: 90 minutes
  • Add hops according to schedule
  • Cool wort
  • Pitch yeast when when temperature reaches 70-75°