Franconian-Style Rotbier
Brewers Association 2021 – European Origin Lager
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
75.7% Apparent
61.8% Real
Amount |
Hop |
Time |
Use |
Form |
AA |
1.50 ounces | Hallertauer Mittelfrueh | 90 minutes | First Wort | Pellet | 4.8% |
0.90 ounces | Hallertau Magnum | 60 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 12.1% |
1.50 ounces | Hallertauer Mittelfrueh | 10 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 4.8% |
3.90 ounces |
Total Hop Weight |
Amount |
Non-Fermentable |
Type |
Use |
Time |
3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
3.00 g | Epsom Salt (MgSO4) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
3.00 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
6.00 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
2.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
2.00 g | Epsom Salt (MgSO4) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
2.00 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
3.00 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
Name |
Lab/Manufacturer |
Product ID |
Form |
Saflager Lager | Fermentis | W-34/70 | Dry |
Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
Boil Volume:
13.23 gallons
Evaporation Rate:
7.56% per hour
Trub Chiller Loss:
0.26 gallons
Mash Profile Single Decoction - Batch Sparge - Mash Out - Well Modified Malts
Mash Steps
# |
Name |
Type |
Time |
Temp. |
1 | Low Sach Rest | Infusion | 35 minutes | 134° F |
2 | Decotion | Decoction | 45 minutes | 154° F |
Fermentation and Aging
8 days @ 50° F
2 days @ 62° F
2 days @ 34° F
General Info
Alternative Rotbier recipe from Weyermann.
Added Carafa for color Sub Wyeast 2633 or Saflager 34/70 Ferment at 53, keg day 13 and lager 5 weeks at 34.