Belgian Pale Ale
BJCP 2015 – 24B
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
Brew Date:
November 27, 2021
90.4% Apparent
74.3% Real
Amount |
Hop |
Time |
Use |
Form |
AA |
2.00 ounces | Styrian Goldings | 90 minutes | First Wort | Pellet | 3.5% |
3.00 ounces | Hallertauer Mittelfrueh | 60 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 4.8% |
1.00 ounces | Hallertauer Mittelfrueh | 30 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 4.8% |
1.00 ounces | Styrian Goldings | 30 minutes | Boil | Pellet | 3.5% |
2.00 ounces | Styrian Goldings | 7 days | Dry Hop | Pellet | 3.5% |
9.00 ounces |
Total Hop Weight |
Amount |
Non-Fermentable |
Type |
Use |
Time |
3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
2.00 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Mash | 0 minutes |
3.00 g | Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
2.00 g | Gypsum (CaSO4) | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
2.50 ml | Lactic Acid | Water Agent | Sparge | 0 minutes |
Name |
Lab/Manufacturer |
Product ID |
Form |
Brettanomyces Bruxellensis | Wyeast Labs | 5112 | Liquid |
Bastogne Belgian Ale | White Labs | WLP510 | Liquid |
Equipment Profile Geoff's Electric Equipment
Batch Size:
11.00 gallons
Boil Volume:
12.63 gallons
Evaporation Rate:
4.75% per hour
Trub Chiller Loss:
0.26 gallons
Mash Profile High fermentability
Mash Steps
# |
Name |
Type |
Time |
Temp. |
1 | Temperature | Temperature | 60 minutes | 150° F |
Fermentation and Aging
3 days @ 62° F
13 days @ 68° F
2 days @ 34° F
General Info
Add Brett strain at secondary with dry hops. Dry hop for 7 days. Let Brett work for at least 2 months, then prime and package. According to Charlie, replace both sugars with Turbinado. Next time.